Annual Grunion Party

Friday night, June 1st from 11:15 until it's over, you're invited to join the Venice Oceanarium for the Annual Grunion Party.

Young and old grunion fans will meet by the breakwater rocks straight down from the end of Windward Ave., in Venice (Click on the location map here).

Plan on seeing hundreds of female fish leave the sea and squiggle onto the beach where they will lay their eggs on the sand. They will then be followed by hundreds of lusty male fish intent on fertilizing these eggs.

You can't miss this extraordinary annual event held on the amazingly stunning Venice seashore!

1 comment

  1. Oh my god! There is so much happening around the world. I wish I am around this place at the time this party begins because I definitely want to witness this thing. There is a part in one of the San Francisco venues during this time and I just hope the dates don’t clash.


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