In Mourning

The illness and death of Chatito was so public, and yet I was so lonely with my sorrow.  My dear friend that had been with me when Chatito took his last breath had to go home,  My stepdaughter had to go back to her mothers; and, my hubby was at work.

For the first time in eight years, I felt completely alone.

Chatito and me.  Photo taken Summer of 2012
My home, which I so lovingly created into an environment that was peaceful and joyful, had suddenly turned into a place I despised.  I couldn't find comfort in anything or the many people that called me.

Then I did what most people do when something good, or bad happens: I posted on Facebook that Chatito had died.What happened later was what helped me navigate the next couple of days.  

These are just a few messages, from the hundreds of emails, calls, letter, cards, flowers, and amazing demonstrations of love and support I received from friends, family and even strangers that learned of Chatito's passing through social media.

I am speechless.

My mentor summed it up best: "Chatito brought people closer together through his love."

I am humbled and will forever be grateful for everyone's thoughtful words and support,

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